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HR and Workplace Conflict: How to Agree to Disagree

There will always be conflict in the workplace - whether it's a colleague taking credit for another's work, department heads not seeing eye-to-eye, or office politics. Here are

our favorite tips on how to handle conflict in the workplace, specifically on how to agree to disagree.

Seek to genuinely understand.

Ask open-ended questions with the mindset that you might gain a new, helpful perspective. Actively listen without interrupting or dismissing their ideas. Look for areas of agreement or shared values between your perspectives.

Maintain composure.

Keep your emotions in check and avoid becoming defensive or aggressive during the conversation.

Depersonalize the issue.

Direct your disagreement toward the issue at hand rather than attack or criticize the individual holding the opposing view. Instead, show how you understand their stance by using statements such as "I hear what you're saying and it's important" or "I understand your point of view".

Use the word "Because".

State your opinion and include the "because" by explaining the facts and evidence that makes your stance credible. People with opposing viewpoints who understand why you have yours might be more willing to change their stance.

Compromise or agree to disagree.

Explore options that serve both viewpoints, if possible. If not, use statements such as "I now have a better understanding of your stance and will keep this in mind going forward" or "I think we've both shared as much information as we can on our stances and can agree to disagree".

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